
At Summit Tuition, your child will Access, Aspire and Achieve greater heights in...

ONLINE LESSONS are also provided so that you can continue your child's learning during lockdown


Up to KS3 and GCSE Level

 Basic Numeracy Support
 Primary Maths
 Key Stage 3 Maths
 GCSE Maths


Primary and Secondary StrandsPhonic 
Creative Writing
Grammar + Punctuation
Vocabulary Development 


Up to KS3 and GCSE Levels

 Key Stage 3 Biology
 Key stage 3 Chemistry
 Key stage 3 Physics
 GCSE Core Science
 GCSE Additional Sciences
 Triple Science Topics

Exam Preparation

Independent School Exams GCSE English
 GCSE Maths
 GCSE Science
 7+, 11+,  13+ and all Independent School  Entrance Exams

We tutor between the hours of 3.30pm and 8.30pm and are unable to chat during this time.

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March 2025
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You have been a great help

"Thank you so much for helping Shanelle this term, we are grateful for your effort and dedication you truly go an extra mile, we are blessed to have all of you. May God Bless you too!”

-Shanelle and Family


Thanks For Your Support and Encouragement

“Thank you for your support and encouragement. Summit has made a huge difference to my child learning and he has improved immensely in Maths and English. Thank you and keep up the good work as it is really making a difference.”

Parents of Sayed Rehman


Warm Appreciation

"A note of appreciation that’s very warmly sent, to let you know how very much your kindness meant.”

-Hafsa, Hamza and Noor

Address & Map

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1A, Berkeley Road
Manor Park, E12 6RP

0208 472 0465 

Contact us by filling below form

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